Search Results
The Usefulness of Adult Olfactory Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury and Brain Injury
Spinal Cord Injury and Neural Stem Cells
Can Adult Stem Cells Regenerate the Damaged Nervous System?
Designer Life: repair brain, heart with stem cells - Future Health keynote speaker
Adult cell therapy in spinal cord injury - video abstract 43712
Designing a cell transplantation therapy to repair spinal cord injury
Adult Stem Cell Therapy Clinical Advances - Dr. Jorge Paz in San Diego, CA March 2011
Stemcell Trials for people with Spinal Cord Injuries
Wise Young, MD, PhD, "Lithium Effects on Blood and Brain Stem Cells"
Stem Cells: The Brain's Beginnings
Sniffing out new roles for stem cells in the brain
Engineering Angiogenesis Following Spinal Cord Injury